Ben Cherwinka(现重生娱乐资深动画师):
以下是我认为最好的三个作品: 第一名:7号 第二名:1号 第三名:3号
我认为做得好的地方: 主要的砍击非常明快,这些动作的保持都稍有不同,这为整个镜头创造了一个非常好的韵律。 主要pose创建出了动态剪影,这些剪影为每个动作有多快提供了可读性,例子包括她刺向后方之前的反手pose,刺向后方的pose和进入最后一个pose前的预备pose。 相机与动画匹配得很好,给镜头注入了活力。 红色闪光的运用在最后的动作中是一个不错的点睛之笔。
我认为可以改进的地方: 我认为起始pose可以改进,为了更符合剩下的动画——表现出这个角色有多酷,起始pose看起来很一般。
1号评语: 我认为做得好的地方: 用镜头开场揭露人物性格是一个很不错的想法,让她的手沿着剑运动也是很有创意,很符合镜头。 在整组镜头中,快速,灵活,华丽战斗风格的pose相当统一,很好地帮助了表现人物性格。 在她发起接下来的攻击之前,站直的pose(剑在身前,手在身后)很好地建立了战斗风格的基调。
我认为可以改进的地方: 开场部分的走步感觉有点漂,脚也有点滑。 整个镜头中在她攻击的时候,手腕是断掉的。我认为设计一些不同的握住剑的pose,可以帮助使她的手减轻断裂的感觉,也使她不被锁定在一个pose中。 结尾挥剑时相机拉进的感觉不错,但是结束的太快了。我觉得停留那个pose多一会儿的节奏,可以给一点让观众呼吸的结束时间。
3号评语 我认为做得好的地方: 整组镜头的重量感感觉非常棒。pose和节奏很好地表现了大剑,对于剑的重量,pose中身体重量的平衡识别性不错。 结尾他拾起剑的pose很酷,拉近镜头的想法不错,识别性也很好。
我认为可以改进的地方: 开场第一个动作到第一次跳起来感觉太快了。我认为它至少需要多几帧来让观众识别在动作开始之前这里在发生着什么。 整组镜头中,有少数区域,大剑是穿插的,四肢和手指是穿插的。我认为这些地方需要清理一下,尽可能清除掉穿插。 虽然主要节拍的节奏和pose都感觉不错,但是我觉得一些breakdowns和inbetweens可以改进。有一些挥剑的地方,或者从一次挥剑恢复到正常的地方,肘部朝向了错误的方向,或者手腕是断的。我觉得结尾部分的想法很酷,但是在结尾这里的pose可以优化一下。弹起剑,抓剑的时候胳膊看起来很笨拙,腿部完全在他的剪影中,所以很难识别。我也觉得当剑弹起,抓剑的时候,剑的重量丢失了。
The best 3 submissions in my opinion:
1st: #7
2nd: #1
3rd: #3
Review for #7
Things I think work well:
The main beats feel very snappy, and they each hold a bit differently that create a really nice rhythm for the shot overall.
The main poses create a dynamic silhouette that make it readable with how fast each action is. Examples include the held pose on her backhand before her stab backwards, the stab backwards itself and the antic into the final move.
The camera work fits the animation nicely and adds to the dynamism of the shot.
The use of the flash of red on the final move is a nice touch.
It overall feels well executed and the beats and timing are really appealing.
Things I think could be improved:
I think the starting pose could be improved. It feels a bit generic and doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the animation which shows how cool the character is.
I also think the ending pose could be improved. How she gets to it feels cool, but the pose itself feels a bit generic as well.
I think there are a few areas that could use a touch up on body mechanics while still keeping the timing and pace of the shot the same. A few examples: Coming out of the start pose, it feels like there needs to be a breakdown or two to figure out the mechanics of getting into the antic pose. The movement coming out of the backstab area could be described a bit better. While it fits the shots, I would find a way to make it a bit more grounded in reality.
The final hit where she dash's forward feels really nice and it's a cool pose, but I might add a little bit more follow through on areas like her limbs just to keep her alive and slightly less static, while still holding the pose.
Coming out of the final pose could use a touch up on body mechanics as well. When she stand she looks a bit off balance and mechanical when she gets up.
Review for #1
Things I think work well:
The opening of the shot to reveal the character is a cool idea, as well as running her hand along the sword to introduce it as well is creative and fits the shot nicely.
The quick, agile, fencing type of fighting style is fairly consistent throughout the posing of the shot which sells the character.
Hitting the standing straight pose with her sword in front and hand behind back sets the tone of her fighting style nicely before she does the rest of the attacks.
The circular dive move feels nice and is a nice contrast to the beats of her quicker attacks beforehand.
Things I think could be improved:
the starting walk in the intro area feels floaty and the feet are sliding a bit.
Throughout the shot she is breaking her wrist while doing her attacks. I think coming up with a few different poses to hold the sword would help make her hand feel less broken and locked into one pose
The ending feels really cool with the camera zooming in close as she flourishes her sword, but its cut off immediately. I think holding for another beat in that pose would give the ending time to breathe.
The jump up sword swing part before she does her circular dive doesn't read very well and I'm not sure what the intent is there, I might looks for a better way to transition into the circular dive
Have the main character be a different colour to the background would help her stand out. There are times where she blends into the background a bit
Review for #3:
Things I think work well:
The overall weight throughout the shot is feels really good. The posing and timing sell the weight of the sword well, and the counterbalance of body weight to the weight of the sword in the posing reads great.
The outro of him kicking up his sword, hitting a cool pose and the camera zooming in is a cool idea and reads really well.
The main beats of the attacks are varied in timing and give the animation a nice rhythm overall.
Things I think could be improved:
The intro into the first move feels too fast into the first jump. I think it needs a least a few more frames for it to read and for the viewer to know what's going on before the action starts.
Throughout the shot, there are a handful of areas where there are clipping of the sword, or clipping of limbs and fingers. I think it needs a small cleanup pass to remove as much clipping as you can if possible.
While the timing and posing of the main beats feel great, I think some of the breakdowns and in-betweens could use improvement. There are areas where he is swinging his sword or recovering from a swing where the elbows are pointing the wrong way or wrists are broken.
I think the idea of the outro is really cool, but some of the posing could be a bit improved in that area. The arms look awkward when the come up and hold, and the leg is fully in his silhouette which makes it tougher to read. I also feel that the sword loses it weight with how it falls after he kicks it and how he catches it.
I think changing his colour or the colour of the background to not be matching would make him pop out more and be easier to read overall.